Q & A

Parenting can be a mystery at times. We have six children and I have taught first, second, and fourth grades, seventh grade English, HS Special Ed., college and graduate school. I am also a psychologist---and I know we can work through some of your concerns together. Add a question in the form of a comment or comment on a post. I look forward to reading your thoughts. [Train up a child in the way s/he should go: and when s/he is old, s/he will not depart from it. Proverbs 22:6]

Tuesday, May 15, 2012


Bullying is a very serious problem in schools today. We could speculate on many of the causes. As you think about cause, comment on this post and we will get a dialogue going. This is my first suggestion in getting it stopped.

1. Write a complaint of bullying letter to the principal of your child's school. If you need a sample letter, we will work on one together. Include your child's name, the type of bullying, who was the bullier(s), the parents' names, and the teacher(s) names(s).

2. Do not use foul language. Do not be disrespectful. Do not call others names. Do not back down.

3. Send a copy of the letter to all those named in #1. Be sure to keep a copy for yourself.

4. At the top, under the list of all those named, put the name, address and phone # of an attorney in your town you would feel comfortable contacting.

5. It costs nothing to send a letter TO your attorney, only if you ask him/her to act on your behalf.

6. If you do not get a satisfactory response from the school and the other parents, then you can contact your attorney to act on your behalf. Hopefully, the school and parents will see the seriousness of the problem and correct it before they are sued.

Let me know if this suggestion is helpful.

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